CSS Snippet Cheat Sheet

Every have trouble recalling your favorite CSS Code? Give it a permanent home and add it to this page!
Selectany snippet below and it'll automatically select all of the code for you to copy.

Flex Box Row

Use these three properties to create a Flexbox row layout.

Row {

display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
flex-wrap: wrap }

Flex Box Column

Use these three properties to create a Flexbox row layout.

.column {

display: flex;
flex-direction: column

CSS Grid Layout

Build a 12-column layout using CSS Grid

.grid {

display: grid;
width: 100%;
repeat(12, 1fr);

Linear Gradient

This will create a background linear gradient from top to bottom.

.linear-graident-background {

background-image: linear-gradient (
rgba(232, 102, 236, 0.3) 0%,
rgba(232, 102, 236, 0.6) 100% }
); }

Box Transition Glow

Use transition an box shadows to glow on hober

.code-card .card-header {
border-radius: 8px;
transition: all 0.5s ease-in-
out; }
.code-card: hover .card-header {
box-shadow: inset Opx Opx 8px
rgba (232, 102, 236, 1), 0 0 15px
rgba (232, 102, 236, 1); }

Overlay Card With Title

Use position properties and negative margins to raise
elements higher than their natural starting point.

.card-header {
position: relative: